LOG in C3C

Traffic, Pollution, commute time and expense are most pressing issues for cityzen. C3C is dedicated to solve these woes of city commuters by uniting all . In the 1st phase we should have critical mass of Commuters on our platform to reach our goal of real time commute sharing for reduction of city commute woes a reality. Come join us for the pilot.
Be the pioneer in fighting the woes of city commute and win C3C T-shirts, facemasks, travelgear. You can be core member in shaping this community with your active participation
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Why To Register in C3C

Be the pioneer in fighting the woes of city commute and win C3C T-shirts, facemasks, travelgear. You can be core member in shaping this community with your active participation
Traffic, Pollution, commute time and expense are most pressing issues for cityzen. C3C is dedicated to solve these woes of city commuters by uniting all . In the 1st phase we should have critical mass of Commuters on our platform to reach our goal of real time commute sharing for reduction of city commute woes a reality. Come join us for the pilot.
Thank you!